Getting Out of Love

Some thoughts of mine after watching the movide《True Grit》

《True Grit》, the girl avenges her father's death, and at such a young age, with her siblings small enough in the family and her mother unable to stand the state of devastation caused by her father's murder, to be able to grasp the true claim of her heart's need for revenge after disposing of her father's body in advance, and to fight with all sides of the society older than herself for every penny of their experience is in itself courageous, after all, it is likely that a lot of After all, probably a lot of 14-year-old girls in that era still don't know what revenge means. And the fact that he had the courage to come ahead to collect his father's body with a plan in mind and a plan to succeed in his quest for vengeance took a lot of courage, and this 14 year old girl had it in spades.